History of BlueSci

BlueSci - Issue 1

BlueSci, as a concept, emerged from the Cambridge University Science Productions (CUSP) society. It is the brain child of their Head of Writing, Rachel Mundy, and the President, Bjoern Hassler. Cambridge University produces fascinating and cutting-edge scientific research that otherwise can go largely unreported. BlueSci was thus established to nurture budding science journalists, and to effectively communicate science within the entire student body. It was envisioned as a free and accessible popular science magazine.

BlueSci - Issue 16, The first issue to use the current format

The founding committee was quickly established after a recruitment drive and publicity campaign by the Head of Writing. Regular meetings in early 2004, established key roles and responsibilities. Bjoern and Rachel approached Varsity with a business plan for funding the new magazine, which established the future of BlueSci. However, issue 1 could not have been published without the dedication and commitment of the first appointed committee. Without these key committee members, BlueSci would not have been as successful and well-received as it has proved to be. Many founding committee members continued to have roles within successive issues of BlueSci.

Today, the society has become more independent, and works out of the TCS/CUSU Offices. Our funding is sourced largely via subscriptions and indirectly from CUSU. This collaboration sees us taking a greater share of responsibility for Science Outreach Publications within the University of Cambridge.

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The Cambridge University Science Magazine